Academic Probation

Good academic standing requires that a student have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. When a student’s cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0, they will be placed on Academic Probation or they may be Recessed (or Dismissed). When placed on any level of academic probation, a student must assess their academic performance with an advisor and identify what they need to do to return to good academic standing.

A Student on Academic Probation Must

  • Complete the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) form. The link to this form can be found on the Financial Aid webpage under the heading “How to Appeal.”
  • After completing and submitting the SAP form, a student must meet with an academic advisor at the beginning of the semester for a probation conference (SAP meeting) to assess their past performance, and to make a plan for success. The advisor will submit this plan for approval of the student’s Assistant Dean and, if applicable, the Office of Financial Aid.
  • Students who have a major within a college must schedule their probation conference (SAP meeting) with the advisor for that major. Schedule your appointment via SIS.


Probation Conferences are most effective when they are done at or prior to the beginning of the semester!