Petitioning for Reinstatement


The reinstatement process is college-specific; the following information pertains to University Advising majors only, specifically exploratory preference and exploring business preference. Visit the Advising by College page for contact information for your college advising office.


Exploratory Preference and Exploring Business Preference students recessed from the university can petition for reinstatement before the end of the required three consecutive semesters of recess.


Petitioning for reinstatement requires the student to submit a petition form and speak with the associate directors for University Advising about the experience(s) impacting their success, academic and career goals, personal and academic interests, and needs. Petitioning for reinstatement is a request to waive all or some of the semesters of recess to become an enrolled MSU student. The associate directors work collectively and collaboratively with each petitioning student to identify the best courses of action and support for the petitioning student.


When a student plans to re-enroll at the university after three or more consecutive semesters of non-enrollment at MSU, they must apply for readmission through the Office of the Registrar at least one month (domestic students) to four months (international students) before the beginning of the semester in which the student intends to resume their studies.




Follow these steps to engage in a successful petition process:

  1. REVIEW DOCUMENTS. Thoroughly read all university communications about the recess. Generally, you will find this information via confidential messaging from the Office of Registrar (RO). Additionally, compile relevant materials that support the petition.
  2. SUBMIT A COMPLETED PETITION FOR REINSTATEMENT FORM to our University Advising email address ( Enter “UA Petition for Reinstatement” as the subject of your email for a timely response.
  3. MEET WITH THE REINSTATEMENT COMMITTEE. Upon receipt of the reinstatement petition, the office coordinator for University Advising will contact you to schedule an appointment with the reinstatement committee. Occasionally, students must meet with the Director of University Advising for additional support.

Students whose enrollment at Michigan State University is interrupted for three or more consecutive terms (including Summer) should follow the readmission process.


Key Phrases: Academic Standing of Undergraduate Students (ASUS), Good Standing, Probation, Final Probation, Recess, Dismissal, Readmission