Exploring Students

Welcome! Are you in the process of exploring majors? Unsure of what MSU has to offer? Do you already have some career interests but want to know more? Our Exploratory Advisors are the exploration experts on campus, and we are excited to help you explore your interests, skills and options.

Exploring is a journey and it looks different for everyone. Regardless of where you are in that journey, we are eager to assist you in the process, and we hope you will stay connected with us! Below you will find various steps you can take to explore. Please feel free to browse these options, and be sure to schedule a 1-1 meeting with an Exploratory Advisor to identify your next best steps in your exploration journey!

Step 1: Get started exploring!

Did you know MSU has over 150 majors? We encourage you to browse the many majors available to MSU students in our 14 different colleges, as well as browse majors by interest areas. Write down the names of majors or colleges and interest areas that interest you and bring them to an advising appointment to discuss further!

Take the Spartan Interest Assessment to find majors and careers related to the interest areas you scored highest in!

MSU’s Career Services Network offers a few great career assessments for students. Take an assessment and schedule an appointment with a career advisor to review your results!

Exploration is a process that’s unique to every student, and it’s alright if it you don’t find the perfect major today. Take some time to reflect on what you’ve learned about yourself by exploring so far. Is there anything that surprised you?

As you reflect, think about the following questions. Do you see any common themes? Bring your answers to these questions to an appointment with an Exploratory Advisor or Career Advisor!

  • What are some of your interests and passions?
  • What are some of your skills and abilities?
  • What are your values? What’s important or a priority for you?
  • What are some societal needs you’d like to address?

Step 2: Connect with exploratory resources!

With all the resources and information available, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. However, you are not alone! Our Exploratory Advisors are here to help you every step of the way. Whether it’s to discuss the next steps in your exploration journey, or help answer questions on classes, requirements, or more, we hope you will connect with our advisors at least a couple times each semester. Visit our advising website to learn how to schedule an appointment with our Exploratory Advisors.

Whether you are interested in selecting the right major, exploring career fields and industries, looking for a part-time job or internship, preparing for an interview, or networking with alumni and employers, the Career Services team is here to help you! Visit the Career Services website to learn more about the services they offer, or follow MSU Career Services on Instagram!

Exploring doesn’t happen just inside the classroom. There are several opportunities to get involved at MSU and beyond that we hope you will take advantage of:

  • Associated Students of Michigan State University (ASMSU) – ASMSU is the undergraduate Student Government of MSU. The mission of ASMSU is to enhance our individual and collective student experience through education, empowerment, and advocacy by dedication to the needs and interests of students.
  • Center for Community Engaged Learning (CCEL) – Community Engaged Learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community partnerships with instruction and critical reflection to enrich the student learning experience, teach civic and social responsibility, and strengthen communities.
  • Education Abroad – Schedule an appointment with an Education Abroad advisor to find opportunities based on your interests!
  • The Gender and Sexuality Campus Center – The Gender and Sexuality Campus Center is a student-centered campus resource that works to celebrate, affirm, and empower LGBTQIA2S+ members of the Michigan State University community.
  • Involve @ State – Explore student organizations, attend events, and track your involvement!
  • Office of Cultural & Academic Transitions (OCAT) – OCAT supports individual students in their navigation of cross-cultural encounters, and in their own understanding, exploration and development of cultural identity.
  • Spartans Serve – Spartans Serve is a year-round effort designed to show the world the impact Spartans make through community service. Visit their website to find community service projects you can get involved in!
  • Student Veterans Resource Center – Dedicated to promoting the educational, career, and personal advancement of military-connect students.
  • Undergraduate Research – Undergraduate Research at MSU is your time to explore. It’s your time to find your passions and new areas of interest. It’s your time to start making your mark.

There are a number of exploratory events on MSU’s campus and we invite you to attend so you can connect with several resources on campus that will help you on your exploration journey.

  • Community, Curriculum, Career (C3) Expo – C3 Expo is a one-stop success event for you to connect with communities of support, learn more about MSU curriculum, and access career resources. Not only will you have an opportunity to get information and resources at C3, but we will also help connect you to people who deeply care about your success at MSU and beyond. The C3 Expo is hosted in October and February each year. Follow the C3 Expo on Instagram to stay up-to-date on future events!
  • Major Exploration Workshops – Join the NSSC Exploratory Advisors and Career Services to discuss what it means to explore majors and learn about tools to help you explore! Workshops occur every Fall, Spring, and Summer semester. Ask an Exploratory Advisor for information on the next workshop!
  • Sparticipation – Connect with the many student organizations on campus at the start of each Fall semester. Please visit the Department of Student Life to learn about the next Sparticipation event!
  • Career Fairs – Network with representatives from different industries and career fields. Visit Career Services to learn more about upcoming events, or follow MSU Career Services on Instagram!

Now what?

Connect with one of our Exploratory Advisors to discuss the next steps in your exploratory journey!