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Spartan Interest Assessment

Hello Spartans! Exploring majors is a process that can include many different steps. The Spartan Interest Assessment (SIA) is one resource you can use to learn how your interests align with MSU majors, classes, and careers to help you explore! We encourage you to engage with the following steps and be sure to connect with an Exploratory Advisor afterwards to discuss your results!

Step 1: Complete the Spartan Interest Assessment

Take the Spartan Interest Assessment and take note of your results! The Spartan Interest Assessment (SIA) is modeled after the Holland Codes which are the work of John Holland (Holland’s Six Personality Types)

Step 2: What do my results mean?

Now that you’ve taken the Spartan Interest Assessment, identify which of the six categories you scored the highest in. Read the descriptions for your top categories.

Reflect on the following:

  • Do you relate to the descriptions of your top 2-3 categories?
  • Are there other categories that you relate to that you didn’t score high in? Take note of these before moving on to the next step!
People who have mechanical ability, prefer to work with objects, machines, tools, plants, or animals; like to work independently or outdoors; frank, hands-on, practical.
People who have artistic, innovative, or creative abilities; like to work in unstructured situations, using their imagination or originality; creative, expressive.
People who like to observe, learn, investigate, analyze, research, evaluate, or solve problems; enjoy science or math; analytical reserves, independent, scholarly.
People who like to help people – to inform, enlighten, teach, train, develop, or cure them; are skilled with words; concerned with the welfare of others, compassionate.
People who like to work with people; direct influence, persuade, perform, lead, or manage for organizational goals or economic gain; adventurous, outgoing, energetic.
People who like to work with data, have clerical or numerical ability, like structure, like to carry things out in detail or following through on other’s instructions; may enjoy working at a desk or office; care, confirming.

Step 3: See majors, classes, and careers for my results!

Now that you have identified the categories that most closely align with your interests, take some time to explore MSU majors and classes, as well as careers, for these categories.
It’s okay if you also want to explore the options under other categories as well! Take note of the classes, majors, and careers that you want to learn more about.

Realistic (Doers)

MSU majors, classes and careers for Realistic (Doers)

Learn more

Investigative (Thinkers)

MSU majors, classes and careers for Investigative (Thinkers)

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Artistic (Creators)

MSU majors, classes and careers for Artistic (Creators)

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Social (Helpers)

MSU majors, classes and careers for Social (Helpers)

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Enterprising (Persuaders)

MSU majors, classes and careers for Enterprising (Persuaders)

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Conventional (Organizers)

MSU majors, classes and careers for Conventional (Organizers)

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Step 3: See majors, classes, and careers for my results!

Whew! That was a lot of information! Exploring your interests and majors is a process, and hopefully reflecting on your interests, majors and careers today gave you something to think about. Consider the options below to determine your next steps.

We invite you to connect with an MSU Exploratory Advisor to discuss your results. We are happy to meet with you 1-1 and help you identify the next steps in your exploration process. Our advisors can also help you plan class schedules and answer any questions about exploring, academics, or MSU in general.

Exploratory advisors are open to all students, whether Exploratory Preference, or students in majors/colleges.

Are you under 56 credits? Consider changing into the Exploratory Preference major* at MSU. This will give you the opportunity to intentionally explore all your options before selecting a major. As an Exploratory Preference student, you can stay connected with exploration resources, events, and Exploratory Advisors.

*Students can select the Exploratory Preference major up until they reach Junior standing at MSU (56 credits), after which they need to be in a degree-granting college.

Continue to engage in the exploration process with a few more steps for exploring students.


Spartan Interest Assessment: Aaron Tucker, Tammison Smith, Christy Stehouwer, and Chelsea Belote.

The Spartan Interest Assessment (SIA) is modeled after the Holland Codes which are the work of John Holland.

Holland, J. L. (1985). Making vocational choices: A theory of vocational personalities and work environments. Englewood Cliff, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Holland’s Six Personality Types. (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2022, from

Images: ThisisEngineering RAEng, Trnava University, Brands&People, NeONBRAND, krakenimages, and Campaign Creators on Unsplash