Advising Initiative Working Groups
Overall Project Leads: Ebony Green, assistant dean for University Advising, and Amy Martin, assistant dean for Student Success Operations
Student Success Project Management: Renata Opoczynski, assistant provost, Undergraduate Student Success
Key Consultative Partners: Deans Council, Council of Undergraduate Deans (CUED), University Advising Leadership (UAL), Campus Student Success Group (CSSG), College of Social Science, University Committee on Undergraduate Education (UCUE)
Some key aspects of the University Advising Initiative, such as its funding, sponsorship by the provost, and overarching goals, have been in place since its inception. The remaining policies, procedures and operational details are to be determined by Working Groups.
Improvement to academic advising at MSU must respect cultural and organizational differences among colleges — heterogeneity of colleges is central to a university’s identity.
In order to make the process of crafting the structure and policies of the University Advising Initiative as inclusive, democratic, and efficacious as possible, each Working Group contains representatives from the colleges, including advisors and advising leadership.
Explore the Initiative Working Groups to the right and learn who’s involved in this important work. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to contact the project leads or refer to the Frequently Asked Questions page for more details.